Wednesday, October 8, 2008

China stops tainted sweet sales

Article & Pictures:

This article is basically expanding on the latest topic on another scandalous Chinese food product involving milk contaminated with an industrial chemical called Melamine. This time, the lucky "winner" is a popular sweet called the White Rabbit candy. The producing company, Guanshengyuan, has been halting all export sales of the White Rabbit candy to more than 50 countries, and consequently, its well-established name is ruined. Both Canadian and British regulators have already taken down all of the White Rabbit candy, and on top of that, all Chinese-made dairy products are also to be pulled from shelves. While in Europe, a ban has been made on all children food containing any traces of milk imported from China, and in the United States, regulators have warned consumers to avoid seven instant coffee and milk tea products that were made in China; even Mr Brown products had been recalled to be possibly contaminated with melamine. :OOO
Below is a map showing all the affected countries from China's tainted food products:


In the text book, we learn that businesses that buy goods for the purpose of selling them at a profit are dealing in merchandise, and the quantity of merchandise on hand is known as merchandise inventory or stock-in-trade. So this article that I've chosen talks about how food retailers all over the world are experiencing a food scare in their major suppliers (wholesalers) from China, and that they are forced to take down all those poisonous food products that they paid for as inventory and was expecting for a profit; but now it has became an "expense and a LOST!

I was shocked at the news when it first came out, but at the same time, was kind of expecting this to happen one day, just because of the reputation that China have always been tagged with (fake Gucci and phony drugs). But with the food product, this has just gone a little to far. On the last news, it is said that four babies have died and more than 53,000 children have been affected from drinking contaminated powder milk in China, this is awful, and the fact that it happened in its own domestic country makes it worst! Having kidney stones and not being able to pee/poo for no reasons is absolutely terrible, especially to the youngs and prematures! I find this very unacceptable, and that the ugly truth of money > people's ethics is making me sick!

Just look at all the sweets that kids used to crave for, now they're just silent killers that ruins your life for no good reasons.


Shunzhi R. said...

First of all, I totally agree with you that it is just awful to earn tons of money by causing harm to other people's health. Having kidney stones not only affects the person's everyday life, serious conditions can even cause death. This disasterous incident causes the whole chain of the producers, wholesalers and retailers of the Chinese dairy products to lose lots of profit since all the products are to be thrown away. China should really try to recover its dairy market as soon as possible because their reputation has went down the sink this time.

Kyle Cheng said...

That incident was a real shocker to me, I never thought that the candy I loved when I was a kid had that kind of danger. The lost for their company must be really big since the candy is shipped to parts of the world and now they are expected to halt all their inventory they got. I agree with you how sickening it is to see what money can drive people to do. These little things collect and now it all accumulates. It's amazing how even though they did gain, they lost the market for the future.

K. Cheng